Other side of the line

Portrait of a miner from Clipstone Colliery, part of miners Strike project crossing the line

Think of the words Coal miner and it evokes images of soot-covered faces in orange overalls and donkey-jackets. The picket lines of the early ’80s and a strike that lasted 51 weeks.
This was the strike to end all strikes; the right to work and to earn a decent wage; the strike that Margaret Thatcher was not going to lose, no matter what.

Other side of the line looks at those that crossed their picket lines and defied the union leader Arthur Scargill to return to work be the strike officially ended.

Portrait of a miner from Bersham Colliery, part of miners Strike project crossing the line

Portrait of a miner from Daw Mill Colliery, part of miners Strike project crossing the line

Portrait of a miner from Sutton Manor Colliery, part of miners Strike project crossing the line

Portrait of a miner from clipstone Colliery, part of miners Strike project crossing the line

Portrait of Phillip from Cynheidre Colliery, part of miners Strike project crossing the line

Portrait of a miner from Snowdown Colliery, part of miners Strike project crossing the line